Malaysian business growth slows down in Q2

Xinhua, Kuala Lumpur :
Malaysian business performance is expected to grow at a slower pace with confidence indicator rising 6 percent, down from 7.8 per cent in the second quarter, according to an official report released Wednesday.
Malaysian Statistics Department said in its “Business Tendency Statistics for Third Quarter” report that its latest statistics indicated that the optimists continue to outnumber the pessimists but at a smaller percentage difference as compared to the previous quarter.
According to the report, respondents from services sector is anticipating their business situation to improve in the third quarter with confidence indicator growth of 16.5 percent as compared to 8.6 percent in second quarter.
However, construction sector expects their business situation to be less bullish with confidence indicator down 7.7 percent.
Meanwhile, 45.1 percent of the respondents in all surveyed sectors anticipated that their gross revenue to increase.
A total of 44.4 percent of the respondents expected their gross revenue remained unchanged, while 10.5 percent of them foresee a decrease in gross revenue.
The survey results showed that up to 80.3 percent of the businesses are expected to maintain their number of employees at the current state for the third quarter.