Making the freedom meaningful


M. Mizanur Rahman :
Most auspicious and sacred day of our nation is its Victory Day. In this day the nation has won the most precious organ of its life Independence from the yoke of foreign subjugation.
Bangladesh achieved this Independence after a long struggle of its millions of people’s sacrifices at their cost of blood and tears since the debacle of lasses of Nawab Siraj-ud-Dowla in 1757. The history witnessed how tragically the then traitors Mirzafor and his adherents mauled the state of Independence of the then golden Bengal and hung themselves shamelessly on to the subjection of slavery at the knees of the foreigners afterwards.
Since the British imperialist and colonialist rulers left this country in 1947 and thereafter the hegemonies of civil and military bureaucracy, the autocratic and dictatorial regimes of Pakistan caused tremendous hardship and miseries of the peoples of Pakistan. Out of them the people of East Pakistan were the hardest sufferers.
They wanted regional autonomy. They were denied. Their leader Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was democratically elected leading most of the seats of both the wings of Pakistan. But that was also denied by the Pakistan dictator Gen. Yahya Khan on a false plea. The soldiers of Pakistan army attacked the people of East Pakistan and started killing them unarmed since the mid night of 25th March 1971. Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested from his residence and sent to Pakistan jail. Since Liberation war was declared as saying, “Bongobondu is with us, he’s not taken prisoner,” most probably to raise the morale of the liberation fighters.
The people from all walks of life joined Liberation War and those who could not join directly, supported this war of Liberation indirectly with the exception of those few local agents of Pakistan armed forces. However both India and Russia, diplomatically, militarily and morally supported War of Liberation of Bangladesh.
The entire Pakistani forces were shattered and crippled to their knees in this war. The fate of their shameless defeat was shown in their surrender to the Joint forces of Liberation war of Bangladesh on 16th December 1971 in Shuhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka, and that’s the most memorable day of Bangladesh. That’s the will to win by the heroic liberation forces and the people of Bangladesh.
The people of Bangladesh are yet to expect from their national government that those Pakistan military hordes led by General Yahya Khan should be tried for horrible genocide in the then East Pakistan from 25th March, 1971 until 16th December 1971 in the International Court of Justice for their willful commitment of war crimes that murdered hundreds of thousands people of Bangladesh and mauled sexually 2 lacs women. None in Bangladesh could forget such horrendous tragedy caused by so-called Muslims of Pakistan.
Years after years we are commemorating this sacred day of our tragic history in the V-Day solemnly but what are its effects so long we are yet to reassess giving thought to it that how far we achieved for the mitigation of suffering teeming people of our country at large. We are to question what’s to be questionable; we are yet to do what’s to be done for the benefit and peace of the people. We are to shun our selfishness, inhuman pride of power and greed and lust for personal wealth at the cost of our hard earned Independence and sovereignty. We need the unity of the people irrespective of their social, religious, and political opinions i.e. national integration in order to develop all out progress of the people without discriminations. The people are hung up for their legitimate rights and privileges. Economically they are yet to expect equal rights and status as free citizens of a free country. Those who laid down their lives unquestionably for the benefit of the people of the land, up to the V-Day, had their sacrifices been fruitful? It’s the free State that must ensure all natural, social, religious and political rights of the people. In our Parliamentary democracy the rightful opposition party must be endured to play its part out of unbiased general election.
The war of economic independence had been started from a long time but the achievement could only be proved to overall alleviation of poverty. Monies should not go to the pockets of the few that should be required to be distributed equally and justifiably among the impoverished people.
Then there will be no unusual law and order disturbances in the country. Severe wants and unemployment, even among the unemployed educated sections of the people, being frustrated, woo easy money by mugging or other criminal practices. Hence to usher in social dignity our struggle for economic growth requires to be speed up for the benefit of the people to defend our costly Independence. Let this be the oath of the V-Day for all of us that we must uphold our Victory at all cost. We must love our country and our people above everything else and this truth must be upheld in all respect.
