Making country a graveyard now AL agenda: Khaleda

UNB, Dhaka :
Observing that the country’s people are passing their days in panic and anxiety, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Friday said it seems that making Bangladesh a graveyard is Awami Leagues’ main political agenda.
In a statement, she warned that the government will not be able to cling to power by making the heaps of bodies resorting to bloody and repressive acts.
The statement was issued protesting the ‘killing’ of Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD) assistant general secretary Nurul Alam Alam alias Nuru in Chittagong’s Ruajan by ‘law enforcers after ‘picking him up from his residence’ on Wednesday night. Strongly denouncing and protesting the ‘heinous’ incident, she said, “The danger and soreness of death is lurking everywhere-from rural areas to cities-across the country. There are confusions and fearful screams everywhere. Bloody violence is the main feature of Awami misrule,” Khaleda said. She alleged that the youths are being mainly subjected to the government’s anger as they raise their voice against injustice and unjust braving the threat of fascists.
The BNP chairperson alleged that as the government is indulging in various anti-sate activities, it is killing the students and youths of the nationalist forces to suppress their uprising against it.
As part of the government’s such move, Khaleda said Nuru has been subjected to deadly atrocities of it. “Nuru has been killed brutally for playing a strong role in the movement for restoration of democracy.”
She alleged that the government which can snatch people’s freedom of expression and democratic rights, it never hesitates in killing its opponents indiscriminately to hang onto power.
Mentioning that the government has got desperate out of greed for power, the BNP Chairperson said it is pushing the country towards a big disaster by indulging in unjust and misrule. “The ruling party can’t realise that serious bad days are waiting for them for their misdeeds.”
She also alleged that the overall law and order situation has taken a very bad shape due to the government’s misrule. Khaleda alleged that law enforcers killed Nuru at the behest of the government.
She said, the days are not that far away when proper punishment to those involved in the incident will be ensured putting them on trial, if the current government spares them.
Khaleda prayed for salvation of Nuru’s departed soul and conveyed her sympathy to the bereaved family members and well-wishers. At a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office on Thursday, party senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi alleged that Raujan Police Station SI Sheikh Javed along with some other plainclothes police picked Nuru up from his Chandanpura residence in the port city around 11:30pm on Wednesday. Later, he said, they killed him by firing 10 shots in his head in Kuapara Thelarghat area along the bank of the Karnaphuli River. However, SI Javed dismissed the allegation, saying he has no idea about detaining Nuru from Chittagong city and he was there with his team in an anti-militancy drive at a madrasah in Raujan on Wednesday night.