Major economies ignore survival issues of vulnerable states


Staff Reporter :
Bangladeshi civil society organizations have organized a press conference in Le Bourget, Paris Climate Conference Place on Saturday.
They have rejected the latest draft agreement and call upon MVCs to reject it, they have also called to include historical responsibilities, polluter pay principle and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities must to include as guiding principle in the draft agreement. They have expressed concern that developed emerging countries are taking position against all those principles which was agreed earlier.
The press conference was moderated by Ziaul Hoque Mute of EquityBD/CSRL, written statement read out by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, question and answer responded by Golam Rabbani of CCDF/BCAS and Jahangir Hasan Masum of CDP.
Rezaul Karim Chowdury said that hope which stated by France has become farce, developed and emerging countries in the name of their country realities ignoring the issues related to the survival of the MVCs. He has mentioned that compensation and liability, historical responsibilities, developed countries responsibility to provide climate finance, preferential treatment to MVCs and LDCs, has been completely wiped out from the draft agreement.
The target has been fixed to 2 degree while IPCC predictions to keep the temperature 1.5 degree.
Golam Rabbani of BCAS/CCDF said that in respect of climate finance there are complete wiped out of the term additional, new, predictable in respect pre 2020 and post 2020 annually $ 100 billion climate financing, there are not also mentioning 50 : 50 allocation for adaptation and mitigation.
Ziaul Hoque Mukta of EquityBD/CSRL said that the new agreement supposed to be done in 2009; it has been delayed up to 2015, if there is agreement now it will be in force in 2020, but even now the emerging issues are frustrating for MVCs. He again urges US, France and developed countries to play a constructive role to save the planet.
Jahangir Hasan Masum of CDP said that in fact developed countries promoted market based mechanism in the draft agreement in the name of insurance and risk transfer.
