Maize cultivation on in northern region

BSS, Rangpur :
Cultivation of maize continues in full swing in the northern region where a target of producing over 13.49 lakh tonne of the cereal crop has been fixed from over 1.90 lakh hectares land for this Rabi season.
The enthusiastic framers have so far brought around sixty-five percent of the targeted land under maize farming as sowing of the seed still continues and the farming target might exceed during this season.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, the farmers have put maximum emphasis in large- scale farming of maize after getting repeated bumper production and lucrative price in recent years.
The char people have been showing keen interests in farming maize in more land as they earned huge profits to lead better life and change fortune in recent years through farming the cash crops in their sandy and barren char lands.
The government has fixed an all-time record target of producing 21.73 lakh tonne maize from 3.06 lakh hectares of land in the country during this Rabi season.
The fixed national target for this season is higher by 1.80 lakh tonne than the fixed countrywide target of producing 19.93 lakh tonne maize from 2.75 lakh hectares land during the last season.
Under the programme, 13.49 lakh tonne of maize will be produced from over 1.90 lakh hectares of land in the northern region alone, which is 62.09 percent of the fixed national production target of 21.73 lakh tonne of the crop this season.
Horticulture Specialist of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Khondker Md. Mesbahul Islam said maize cultivation has already become popular in recent years contributing to poverty reduction and achieving self-reliance by the poor.
The farmers are expected to bring over 40,000 hectares of char lands in the Brahmaputra, Teesta, Dharla, Jamuna, Dudhkumar, Atrai, Kartoa, Ghaghot and other riverine areas under maize cultivation this season.
Acting Additional Director of DAE for Rangpur Agriculture Region Zulfiquer Haider said maize farming increases every year benefiting the farmers and brining economic self-reliance to them by alleviating poverty.
Associate Director -Agriculture of BRAC International (South Asia and Africa) Dr M A Mazid appreciated the government initiatives for boosting maize production saying that there is a brighter prospect for increasing output of the cereal crop.
“Maize contains huge Vitamin-A and its multi-dimensional use including production and consumption of corn oil with no cholesterol from maize could help the heart patients in many ways,” he added.