Maiden meeting of JS body on Land Ministry held


The maiden meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Land held at Jatiya Sangsad(JS) Bhaban here with Committee Chairman Mohammad Mokbul Hossain in the chair.
Committee members – Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, Md Habibor Rahman, Mohammad Ekabbar Hossain, Md Moslem Uddin and Nesat Ahmed- attended the meeting.
In the meeting held on Tuesday, the committee discussed on the bill “Chattogram Hill Tracts (Land Acquisition) Regulation (Amendment) Act 2109? earlier placed in the House and also recommended for the submitting of the report before the parliament after scrutiny,” a parliamentary secretariat press release said.
Acting Secretary of the Land Ministry, senior officials of the ministry and JS Secretariat were present on the occasion.
