Mahidur, Afsar jailed unto death for war crimes


UNB, Dhaka :Mahidur Rahman and Afsar Hossain Chutu, both former Muslim League leaders of Chapainawabganj, were jailed unto death yesterday for their crimes against humanity during the 1971 Liberation War.With the accused Mahidur Rahman and Afsar Hossain Chutu in the dock, Chairman of thethree-member International Crimes Tribunal-2 (ICT-2) Justice Obaidul Hassan pronounced the verdict in jam-packed courtroom at 11.30 am amid tight security after finding them guilty.Earlier on Tuesday, the tribunal chairman fixed the day to deliver its judgment.On April 22, ICT-2 had kept pending its verdict to be delivered any day after closing arguments in the trial of the war crimes allegedly perpetrated by Mahidur and Afsar.Hearing the law-point arguments from both the prosecution and the defence lawyers, Justice Obaidul Hasan passed the order.Following the order, prosecutor Shahidur Rahman told reporters that the allegations brought against them have been proved beyond any reasonable doubt.
