Mahbubul Alam, President, Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Right) handing over “Office Lease Agreement Paper” to Dr Md Jalal Uddin, Managing Director, Reliance Finance Limited (Left) at WTC building, Chittagong. Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secretary, Reliance Finance Limited was present.

Mahbubul Alam, President, Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Right) handing over "Office Lease Agreement Paper" to Dr Md Jalal Uddin, Managing Director, Reliance Finance Limited (Left) at WTC building, Chittagong. Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secret
Mahbubul Alam, President, Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Right) handing over "Office Lease Agreement Paper" to Dr Md Jalal Uddin, Managing Director, Reliance Finance Limited (Left) at WTC building, Chittagong. Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secret

