Mahabub joins DIU as Pro-VC


Prof Dr. S M Mahabub-Ul-Haque Majumder has joined as Pro-Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University (DIU) on May 17 last as appointed by the President and Chancellor of DIU.
He formally handed over his joining letter on May 17, 2017 to Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU after receiving the appointment letter from Ministry of Education. Prof Dr. Engr. A K M Fazlul Hoque, Registrar, Mominul Haque Majumder, Director (Finance& Accounts) and Md. Emran Hossain, Director (Administration) were present during the joining ceremony. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees welcomed him at his new position and congratulated him with a floral wreath.
Later on, Prof Majumder met with Prof Dr. Yousuf M Islam, Vice- Chancellor, DIU. Vice-Chancellor greeted him with floral wreath at his new position.
Before joining this position, Prof Dr. S M Mahabub-Ul-Haque Majumder was the Dean of Faculty of Science and information Technology.

He started his career as a lecturer in Chemistry Department at Chittagong University in 1970.
