Madrasa student tortured by teachers in Sylhet

Sylhet Correspondent :
Subbir Ahmed (13), a student of a Madrasa in Soila Afjolabad Hafijiya Dhakil Madrasha was brutally tortured by his teachers on Sunday.
Police visited in Soila Afjolabad Hafijiya Dhakil Madrasha in Chattak Upazila for their alleged involvement in torturing a student accused of stealing.
On the basis of a verbal complaint made by the victim’s family, said SI Sayed Abdul Mannan of Chattak Police Station.
On information, the victim’s family rescued him with several injury marks on his body and took him to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital, he added.
Other students of the madrasa told our correspondent that Moulana Aklasur Rahman and Mohiuddin caught Subbir and tortured him overnight inside a room. Subbir had been tortured for three days since the confinement.
“We demand punishment of the teachers behind the incident,” said Hasan Ali a Guardian.
