Dispute over buying mobile: Madrasa student attempts to burn by friends in Barishal

Barishal Correspondent :
Md. Mahfuz, 13, a seventh grade student of Bakhshir Char Dakhil Madrasa, under Chandpasha Union of Babuganj Upazila under Barishal Airport Police Station, was severely burnt by friends in dispute over purchasing mobile phone on Saturday evening.
He was referred to Dhaka for better treatment on Sunday afternoon with 20 percent burn injury on different parts on the body including throat, said Dr. M A Azad, physician of burn and plastic surgery unit of SBMCH.
Shahbuddin Khan, Commissioner of Barishal Metropolitan Police, acknowledging the facts, S M Zahid Bin Alam, Officer in -Charge of Airport Police Station, visited the spot and till this report no case was lodged.
Kulsum Begum, sister, Kajal Begum, wife of his brother, said Mahfuz has disputed over purchasing a mobile phone at Tk 600 only with his friends and over that dispute while he was waiting in front of a grocery shop at Varanikandi area of the village, he was called by his friend Bappi and there his another friend Tamim was waiting.
Then they engaged in altercation and one point they pouring Kerosene tried to burn alive Mahfuz and fled from the scene.
Hearing hue and cry local people rushed to the spot rescuing Mahfuz sent to Barishal SBMCH on Saturday night.
