Mad dog crests panic, bite 13 in Madhukhali


Madhukhali (Faridpur) Correspondent :
In Madhukhali of Faridpur, 13 people including a child were injured by the bite of a mad dog. The incident took place in Madhukhali Bazar area of Faridpur on Friday night. Since then, the locals have been in panic.
It has been found out on the spot that the mad dog suddenly attacked the people in Madhukhali market area. Then it started bite . All the victims are undergoing treatment at Madhukhali Upazila Health Complex. Again, someone is taking injections with the advice of a doctor.
Gondardia village victim of the 2nd ward of the municipality. Rezaul Sheikh’s son said. Abdur Noor said, “I was walking out of the mosque after Maghrib prayers when a dog came and bit me on the leg.” I took the vaccine with immediate medical advice. Shah Mohammad. Qutbuzzaman said, “My mother is 65 years old.” she was bitten by a dog.
Another victim said that he was standing in the market area,” said Muktar. Then a dog came and bit my leg. He has been getting treatment from the hospital.
Madhukhali Sadar Hospital Emergency Department doctor on duty Debashish said those injured by dog bites had to be given Rebix DC injections. A total of five doses of injection should be given in a month.
Madhukhali Upazila Health Complex resident doctor. Kabir Sardar said that so far a total of 13 people have been bitten by dogs. There is no official supply of vaccines in the hospital. However, He is personally buying from the market and taking it from the emergency department of the hospital.
Mayor Khandaker Morshed Rahman said the High Court has banned the killing of dogs under the Wildlife Act. Therefore, it is not possible to kill dogs at present.
