Lungi Ngidi passed fit for New Zealand clash


South Africa seamer Lungi Ngidi has confirmed he is “100 per cent” fit for his side’s must-win clash against New Zealand at Edgbaston on Wednesday, 19 June.
The Proteas’ campaign got off to a slow start, with three defeats in their opening three games and a slew of injuries hampering their progress. Ngidi played just the opening two games, impressing with three wickets against England before suffering a hamstring injury. “It’s been tough. Injuries are never nice, but with the support staff that I’ve had around me it’s been pretty good and I’ve been alright,” Ngidi said. “It’s just been frustrating not being able to play. “I’ve just finished a fitness test today and passed that, so I’m match-fit ready. It’s 100 per cent. That’s how the fitness test goes and if you’re not bowling at 100 per cent then you’re not ready to play.”
