Low price of rawhide in Barishal market

Barisal Correspondent :
Transaction at dull hide and skin market in Barishal done almost in through away price on Eid-ul Azha 2019.
Collectors and retailers became looser in raw hide and skin business due to low price offered by syndicated tannery owners of Dhaka.
After visiting the Chamarpatty and Padmabaty area, raw hide and skin trade center in Barishal city on Monday and Tuesday, it was learnt that supply of the raw skin in the region on Eid-ul-Azha were satisfactory, but price became lower to almost through away price than last year.
Even skin of goat or ram given as complimentary with every purchase of cow skin.
We sold per pieces of small and big size cow’s skin around taka 200 to 400 per piece, but seasonal collectors forced us to buy the pieces in higher price 300-500, said Yusuf Ali, a regular raw hide a skin collector .
Sanoar Hossain, came from Rupatali came with 3 pieces of cow skin said he will return to back home as deprived from fair price.
Enayetur Rahman of Jagua area of the city came to the market with 20 cow skin, but forced to sale those within Tk. 250-300 which even not cover the transportation cost after collection.
Some retail collectors and sellers of raw hide and skin, said they forced to return back with their collected skins as they found selling in offered lowest price were better to donate those to religious institutions.
Nasir Hossain, one of the wholesale raw hide and skin trader of Barishal market, told per piece of standard sized skin of cow cost Tk300 with labour and pouring salt.To reach that up to tannery owners in Dhaka it totally costs Tk 700-800 per piece.
Shahidur Rahman Shahin, secretary of the Barishal Hide and Skin Merchants Association( BHSMA) ,said Bangladesh Tannery Association (BTA) of Dhaka fixed the price of each 20 to 35 sqft salted rawhide would be around Tk900 to Tk1,750 per piece. But in reality, buyers from tanneries were offering to buy it at Tk300 to Tk500, Sahidur Rahman Sahin told.
Barishal raw hide and skin traders opined, the situation created due to non-payment of arrear dues of cores of taka by tannery owners of Dhaka. So the collected hide and skin would be rotten, if this situation would be continued.
Demand and price of raw hide and skin decreased in international market. So we have bound to collect skin in lower rate than declared by the association’, said Delwar Hossain, president of Bangladesh hides and skin merchant association.
He said, tannery owners owe more than Tk350 crore. In previous years, they paid 10% to 20% upfront in cash, but only a handful paid this year.
However the local collectors and retailers demanding higher price claiming that they bought the skin at high price, he told.
