‘Low-price flats to be built for slum dwellers’


BSS, Dhaka :
Housing and Public Works Minister Engineer Mosharraf Hossain said the government has planned to construct low-price flats for the slum dwellers in Mirpur in the city.
“The slum dwellers would be allotted the flats without any guarantee, only imposing 10 per cent service charge on the construction cost. The ownership of the flats, each sizing 450 square feet, would be handed over to them after making the payment at Taka 260 on daily installment basis for 20 years period,” he added.
The minister said this on Saturday while addressing a seminar titled “Construction of housing for public welfare” as chief guest. Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) organized the seminar at DCCI auditorium.
“If the flats construction project become successful, it would be replicated in village in future,” continued Mosharraf.
Mentioning nearly 62,000 flats are remained unsold, the minister said almost every country in the world distributes 3 per cent loan in housing sector. He urged the banks to offer housing loans at low interest rate among the poor and middle income people to sell the unsold flats.
Bangladesh Bank (BB) Deputy Governor Abul Kashem, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK) Chairman Engineer G M Jainal Abedin Bhuiya, DCCI senior vice president Osama Tasir and director Hossain A Sikder, among others, spoke on the seminar with DCCI President Mohammad Shahjahan Khan in the chair.
