Experts warn about post lockdown situation: Loosening health rules may bring catastrophe like India


Reza Mahmud :
Anxiety grows over lifting lockdown on April 28 as the lowering rate of covid infection might be increasing if reckless people start gathering in public places.
Data of the Directorate General of Health Services revealed that Covid-19 infection rate is decreasing gradually in the country during the strict lockdown.
The detection rate against the sample testing found reducing constantly from above 21 percent to below 14 percent in recent days.
The data of the DGHS showed that the infection rate was 21.46 on April 17 and was 21 percent on April 15 while it found 13.33 percent on yesterday April 25 after a constant pace of decreasing of the contaminations.
Human health experts thanked for the lowering trend of the cases to the restrictions.
Meanwhile, they also warned against reckless gathering after lifting the lockdown this week. When contacted, human health expert Dr. Lenin Chowdhury told The New Nation, “The gradually decreasing pace of the covid infection rate is obviously a result of the strict lockdown.”
“But everyone is worried about post lockdown situation. If the people found in reckless trend and ignoring health safety measures the high infection rate will be returned soon,” he said.
He said if the authority open tourists zones and allow gathering in social functions, marriage ceremony, public transport to run without following health safety rules properly, the situation might be worsen like the neighboring India.
When contacted, Professor Dr. M. Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of World Health Organisation told The New Nation, “We have to identify smaller units of Thanas in cities and Upazillas in districts and to make involve political leaders of all parties as Corona local units to take all precautions and health safety measures to contain spreading in post lockdown era.”
“They will involve local people for all protective measures including isolation, quarantine and necessary medical measures locally and referring to District hospitals if necessary,” he said.
He also suggested for taking precautionary measures to prevent transmission in shopping malls, markets, industries, transport’s strictly and to monitor, supervise compliance effectively.
Meanwhile, Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Maleque also warned the people not to ignore health safety measures anymore.
“We contained the first wave of the fatal virus well. But the people started ignoring safety measures while the infection rate decreased in February. As a result the second wave attacked the country,” the minister said during a virtual programme in his ministry on Sunday.
He said, “The second wave will be contained soon, but if the people failed to understand the cause of this situation, the third wave might hit the nation.”
The DGHS also warned in its health bulletin on Sunday against ignorance of post lockdown era among the people saying it will trigger dire consequences.
