Commentary: Long-term peace with Israel or war is the solution


It is not understandable what is the sense in having peace talks with Netanyahu a habitual mass killer of Muslims in Palestine. He has colonised Palestine not for recognising two state solution. Palestine is not seeking statehood from Israel. The weakness of the Arab League leadership lies in agreeing to sit with Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel for resolution of Palestinian issue. On the other hand, Hamas is being too irresponsible to go to war unarmed. What is necessary is not truce but long-term peace in Palestine or war with Israel.

[ ‘If not law then Information Minister will have no power to decide’– this caption was published in yesterday’s Commentary with “no” omitted changing the whole meaning about the interpretation of the Broadcasting Policy. We regret. ]
President Barack Obama suggested in a groundbreaking new interview that Benjamin Netanyahu may lack the political courage to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians. Interviewed by Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, Obama said Israel doesn’t face questions about its survival but rather about how it can maintain its democratic and civic traditions, while living side by side in peace with Palestinians.”[B]cause Israel is so capable militarily, I don’t worry about Israel’s survival… I think the question really is how does Israel survive,” Obama told Friedman in a filmed interview, the complete version of which will be published later this weekend. Asked about his role in pressing forward negotiations for a two-state solution, Obama said prospects for progress rest primarily on the leadership of Israel and the Palestinians.
Obama noted that Netanyahu’s popularity in the wake of the war in Gaza may be a mixed blessing. “And so if he doesn’t feel some internal pressure, then it’s hard to see him being able to make some very difficult compromises, including taking on the settler movement,” Obama said. “That’s a tough thing to do.” He said Palestinian premier Mahmoud Abbas may lack the political power to make needed compromises.
We are surprised that President Obama blaming Mahmoud Abbas for lacking political power. To Netanyahu political power is no consideration, he understands military power. What President Mahmoud Abbas lacks is military power.
These comments are in stark contrast to Netanyahu’s comments that Israel would do anything to safeguard it’s safety. “Israel will not engage in negotiations under fire, and will continue to act in every way to change the current reality and to bring quiet to all of its citizens,” Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting at the defense ministry in Tel Aviv, according to the prime minister’s office. Palestinian health officials say that since the offensive was launched, some 1,893 people have died in the Gaza Strip. Israel, meanwhile, has lost 64 soldiers and three civilians.
The words of President Obama have brought to the forefront the vicious lies that are being perpetrated by Netanyahu. His statements are nothing but the calculated statements of a madman whose madness is in itself a calculation – they are essentially sound bites to keep his constituents happy to prove that he is a strong leader who has the capability to punish Palestinians by killing their women and children. His acts of terror make him the world’s foremost terrorist.
Netanyahu is playing a dangerous game – he thinks that as long as he has the backing of the US and can keep his constituents happy he can get away with mass killing of innocent Muslims in Gaza and elsewhere. Netanyahu is a racist and a killer of Muslims. This may not be a never ending series of confrontations with the Palestinians, but will ultimately succeed in inflaming the entire Middle East and bring about a larger war. If such a war were to occur, hawks like Netanyahu and his supporters would not find it easy to deal with. Restrain the blood thirsty Muslim killers.
Hamas and others must not show anger senselessly, but must be ready with arms and ammunition to answer brutalities of Netanyahu.
Either long-term peace with Israel or collective war is the solution.  
