UK security and counter-terrorism: London couple plead guilty to funding nephew fighting for Isis

Mohammed and Nazimabee Golamaully will be sentenced next month. Internet photo
Mohammed and Nazimabee Golamaully will be sentenced next month. Internet photo

theguardian :
A couple have admitted fundraising for terrorism by sending £219 to a nephew fighting for Islamic State in Syria.
Mohammed Iqbal Golamaully, 48, and his wife, Nazimabee Golamaully, 45, from Streatham, south London, provided the money to Zafirr Golamaully on or before 13 August 2014.
Nazimabee Golamaully was arrested on 2 April 2015 and her husband was held on 8 December.
She appeared at the Old Bailey and spoke only to enter her guilty plea, while her spouse admitted the same offence at an earlier hearing.The court heard they both knew that Zafirr was fighting for Isis at the time they provided him with funds.
Judge Anuja Dhir QC warned Nazimabee Golamaully that she could face jail for the “serious offence” as she ordered a report before sentencing the couple on 10 November.
She said: “You have pleaded guilty to a serious offence and one that you I am sure appreciate ordinarily attracts an immediate custodial sentence and the question for me will be how long that sentence should be.
“But your advocate has asked me to order a pre-sentence report, which will give me more information about you and will also give recommendations as to sentence.
“You must not assume because I am ordering a report of that kind that it means that the sentence will be either suspended or not involve a period of custody.”
Nazimabee Golamaully was granted continued conditional bail while awaiting her sentencing hearing at the Old Bailey. Her husband is also on bail.
Commander Dean Haydon, head of the Metropolitan police’s counter-terrorism command, said: “Any amount of cash sent to terrorists is money which is enabling them to further their hatred and carry out attacks on innocent people.
“So regardless of the amount in question, the counter terrorism-command will identify those who support terrorism and prosecute them where appropriate.”
