London bomb blast will create more unstable situation

ANOTHER terrorist attack has occurred to unstable global politics and economy. As usual ISIS has claimed responsibility of the attack. A home-made bomb exploded on a packed rush-hour commuter train in London injuring 22 people on Friday, police said, in what was being treated as the fifth terrorism attack in Britain this year. The list of critically injured people has reached 29 since then and they are being treated in different hospitals. Some suffered burns while others were injured in a rush to escape. This type of frequent attacks will create much havoc in the world.
What ISIS had been so successfully doing so far is to ruin the image of Islam and the Muslims in the eyes of a non-Muslim. Protest occurred last year against German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she let Muslim refugees to seek shelter in Germany. In the beginning Germans welcomed the refugees, but after the molestation of German women by some refugees on the New Year celebration party left the Germans raged against Muslims. Not only in Germany but also in Sweden, UK, and in other European countries, whoever gave shelter to the refugees, are said to have faced rape, beat downs, shop lifting, drug use and so on. These so-called refugees who are committing such atrocities in European countries may have been used by a group of International Mafia to create hatred against the Muslims. The situation has reached such stage that, killing innocent Muslims do not raise any eye-brows and is justified by telling them terrorists. Exactly, that is done by the Myanmar government to the Rohingya Muslims. As if Muslims and terrorists have become synonyms.
What ISIS has done for the Muslims in Palestine? Or Iraq and Afghanistan? They obviously do not have any sympathy for Muslims; in fact they have killed more Muslims than non-Muslims. Even there are rumours that all the video clippings of beheading are actually video shooting. All video clippings of Bin Laden were also video shooting believed by some people and they also believe that Bin Laden is still alive so is all the leaders of these terrorist groups. They never die in a war or get killed by the army, rather they taken to a safe custody, given a new identity and stage a fake death. Last year a photo became viral on the internet which shows, a armed group of people were protesting against Western world to support Israel and not supporting Muslims. All of them were wearing musk but one of them forgot to remove his locket which was a David’s star. In fact there are many reasons to believe that Muslims are being used as a lamb for a greater evil purpose.
The truth is: The Muslims are now being subjected to oppression and persecution mostly due to power play of the Western powers and naturally resistance in the form of terrorist activism is growing up. The Western countries, primarily for their own interest should refrain from such brutalities against the Muslims. If they could only rein in Israel, peace will obviously be restored in Middle East with its chain effect globally.
We however, highly condemn the bomb attack in London on Friday and express sympathy for the victims.