Lockdown extended till May 23


The government has again extended the ongoing restrictions on public movement and gathering, or so-called, lockdown, for another week-until May 23 — to contain the spread of Covid-19.
The Cabinet Division issued a circular on Sunday, with two new directives alongside the existing ones.
On May 5, the government had extended the countrywide lockdown until May 16.
Sunday’s circular said all the offices and agencies relating to revenue collection will be considered emergency service providers.
Besides, restaurants and eateries will remain open with takeaway or online services only.
As Covid-19 cases kept growing at an alarming rate since mid-March, the government had imposed a “loose nationwide lockdown” for one week from April 5.
Later, a “stricter lockdown” was announced from April 14 to 21. On April 28, the government again extended the restrictions until May 5 and issued six fresh directives as the country is struggling to contain the Covid-19 transmission.
On April 23, the Cabinet Division had issued a notice allowing shops and shopping malls to operate from April 25 (10am-5pm) on a condition that they would maintain proper safety protocols.
Covid-19 claimed 25 more lives in Bangladesh in 24 hours until Sunday morning, taking the official death toll so far to 12,149.
The number of total cases also rose to 780,159 after 363 new cases were recorded during the same period.
The country also witnessed a sharp drop in the number of new cases over the past few days as the tests have declined dramatically due to the Eid holidays.
