Local govt to be strengthened for inclusive economic growth


News Desk :
The government is focusing on strengthening the local government system and rural development to make economic growth inclusive.
According to a budgetary document, to ensure strengthening the local government system, total expenditure in the rural development sector will increase by an average of 8.7 per cent to Tk. 475.12 billion by 2023-24 fiscal.
The estimation for the local government and rural development in 2023-24 fiscal is Tk 477.67 billion, while it will be Tk 435.34 billion for 2022-23 fiscal, reports UNB.
The allocation for the sector is Tk 421.93 billion for the running 2021-22 fiscal whereas it was Tk 424.26 billion in the revised budget of 2020-21 fiscal, Tk 323.90 billion in 2019-20 fiscal and Tk 313.55 billion in 2018-19 fiscal.
The government has adopted a realistic plan of action to ensure potable water supply across the country including the capital city of Dhaka, reduce water logging in urban areas, ensure 100 per cent sanitation, and conserve and use groundwater instead of underground water sources.
The government is implementing multi-faceted activities to develop the country’s economy, according to the official document. The most notable among other initiatives is the ‘One House, One Farm’ programme.
Under this programme, loans amounting to Tk. 2,991 crore have been disbursed among 57 lakh beneficiary families, 32.49 lakh income generating family farms have been set up and necessary technical training has been imparted to 2.64 lakh beneficiaries.
Another important project is the ‘My Village, My City’ programme adopted as per the ruling Awami League’s election manifesto of 2018.
Under this programme, the government is committed to facilitating the civic amenities of modern cities in rural areas.
According to this idea, all the facilities currently enjoyed by the citizens in modern cities will be made available t people in rural areas.
The civic amenities of a modern city include- the creation of modern transport and communication facilities, the creation of modern healthcare facilities, the supply of electricity and fuel, the provision of computers with high speed internet facilities.
The government has decided to pilot this programme by developing 15 model villages.
The document mentioned that the government wants to facilitate the development of urban and rural infrastructure, communication and transportation, and has taken programs to that end.
For example, the Local Government Division has undertaken a comprehensive programme for the fiscal year 2021-22.
Under it, 3,140 km of new roads will be constructed, 18,500 m of bridges will be constructed and 130 market complex centres will be set up in rural areas along with120 cyclone centres.
