Litterateur Shammi Tultul nominated peace ambassador

Staff Reporter :
Young writer and novelist Shammi Tultul has been nominated peace ambassador by ‘Mayurpankhi Foundation’-a children and juvenile social welfare organization.
Shammi Tultul hails from a noble family of Chattogram, wins the honour for his literary and social welfare work and creating public awareness against the pandemic of coronavirus.
Mayurpankhi World Peace Ambassador Committee nominated Shammi as the peace ambassador recently, said Ruhit Sumon, Chairman of Bangladesh chapter of the foundation.
Replying to a query, Shammi Tultul said, “As any other person of good manner, I work honestly for my country and for the people.
I do not work for any award, but when recognition comes, it is really a matter of joy,” Shammi told The New Nation.
Starting to write from childhood, Shammi Tultul works in various fields of literature. She is a writer, author of many children oriented novels and story books. She is also a novelist, social worker, a chase player and recitation artist.