Linde BD raises awareness on oxygen conservation


Business Desk :
The campaign will distribute various materials about the proper ways to handle medical oxygen equipment
 Linde Bangladesh Limited, a leading supplier of Medical Oxygen in Bangladesh, has launched “Save Oxygen. Save Lives,” a new public service campaign to help raise awareness on personal best practices in conserving and using medical oxygen properly.
The campaign will distribute various materials aimed at raising awareness of the proper ways to handle medical oxygen equipment to Linde’s healthcare customers and partnered hospitals and provide additional training for their healthcare customers whenever appropriate, said a press release.
The campaign will also use social media to encourage owners of personal medical oxygen equipment to always consult a medical professional on their proper usage and discourage unnecessary hoarding.
Linde Bangladesh is working on several large-scale initiatives in cooperation with the Bangladesh government, relevant authorities, and industry partners at a national level and this initiative is one such in Linde’s overall effort to support the country’s battle against the Covid-19 pandemic. Linde Bangladesh with active support from the government authorities has also implemented the Indo-Bangla Oxygen Express for the first time in history to transport medical oxygen from India to Bangladesh.
The campaign will also seek partnerships with medical associations and hospitals to bring the message further throughout Bangladesh.
“As we continue our battle against ongoing Covid-19, we also need to ensure that whatever we’ve learned from this crisis translates into greater preparedness for the future, “said Sujeet Kumar Pai, managing director of Linde Bangladesh.
“Oxygen is a precious, life-saving resource, and we believe this campaign will raise awareness on the proper use of medical oxygen equipment, avoid unforeseen wastage and ultimately support the fight against the pandemic,” he added.
