Lightning kills one in Sherpur


Sherpur Correspondent :
One person was killed and another was seriously injured by lightning at Gouradar in Nakla upazila of Sherpur district on Wednesday afternoon.
The deceased was identified as Tula Mia(42) son of Md Abdul Halim of Gauradar in Nakla upazila under Sherpur district. The injured person was identified as Md Lal mia son of Md Sarafat Ali of the same village.
Sources said Tula Mia and Lal mia went to a nearby marsh to catch fish. While catching fish, it suddenly started raining and then thunder bolt. Tula Mia died on spot and seriously injured Lal Mia was hurriedly admitted at Nakla health complex.
Officer in charge of Nakla thana Md Golam Haider confirmed about it.
