Life in orphanage homes needs improvement

GOVERNMENT-owned orphanage homes across the country are struggling with many predicaments like poor infrastructure, irregularities in services, inadequate food, fund and manpower shortage. News reports in a national daily on Thursday said the young people living in those homes are living a highly vulnerable life and there is hardly anyone to take care of their plight. Government cannot ignore their problems as they have taken government shelter having no alternatives for survival. Avoiding their problems is avoidance of the humanitarian aspects affecting their life. So, we must say the authority concerned should take immediate measure to save these wretched people who have no option but to continue in the state charity.

We know that orphanages all over the country are homes to many dishonest staff who deprive the helpless boys and girls of their service as they grab most of the resources to their benefits. The situation is showing no improvement over the years as nearly all government-run orphanages are in bad shape. The dormitories are dilapidated, inmates always live in panic of sudden collapse. Besides, they had to do all sorts of ordinary works in the dormitories due to shortage of staff, causing severe harm to their studies. Protest brings inhuman torture. There is no physician even part-time to treat ailing boys. The food served is insufficient. Food items are not good enough for cooking and often found rotten. Though they get new clothes once in a year during the Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations dishonest staff of the orphanage homes embezzle money allocated by government for them. It all shows a drastic mess in which orphans live in those government-run orphanages.

As per news report an orphan gets an allocation of Tk 2600 per month that includes cost for food and fuel, education, other training, for cloths, medical treatment, soaps and other cosmetics. The money is not enough to give them a bare survival. With such inadequate allocation they are struggling to cope with their misfortune. After losing parents, orphans are fighting with extreme poverty in tolerable situation. We should know that losing parents is traumatic for any child. Seemingly, nobody needs to be an orphan to understand the orphans’ plight. So, in our view the government should immediately increase their monthly allocation and do more needful to mitigate their extreme suffering. Moreover decent treatment to the inmates must be ensured.
