Life gave me an opportunity to define who I am today: Dia Mirza


“I don’t give in and I don’t believe in giving up. This comes naturally to me, I know no other way,” says actor Dia Mirza.
She credits her mother for this indomitable spirit, who inspired her with “strength, fortitude and resilience to bring a change.” She says: “I’m who I’m, because of her. She brought me up to be very independent and wanted me to be able to do things on my own, right from my formative years. I have seen her pick herself up through challenges, fights and make things happen.”
The 35-year-old actor, who is the artist ambassador for Save the Children, was in the Capital recently to see the kind of work the NGO is doing for the community here. She says her never-say-die spirit came with a fair share of struggles.
She was 18-year-old, when she left home for Mumbai. “Coming from a non-film background, I didn’t know much about films, there were different people trying to push me in various directions. So being out in the world, navigating it, based on my values made me more formidable. I can say, life gave me an opportunity to define who I’m today. To be able to hold my own and carve out my space based on my passion, and make choices then define me today,” says the actor who embarked on her Bollywood journey at the age of 19.
