Libraries shaping the future

Rayhan Ahmed Topader :
A growing body of research suggests that reading for pleasure contributes to well-being. There are a number of ways school libraries can also support well-being, including developing spaces, services, and collections that help young people develop good emotional, social, physical, and mental health. Well-being, in its broadest sense, reflects a person’s ability to develop good emotional, social, physical, and mental health. In addition, well-being encompasses feeling safe, supported, and encouraged. There is an increasing focus on well-being across New Zealand, with additional emphasis on the well-being of children and young people. Education sector programmes, resources, and projects are also being developed and implemented to help New Zealand primary and secondary schools support well-being. The school library, in particular, can play a critical role in schools supporting well-being. Modern age is the age of revolution from macro perspectives. All around the globe there has been sea changes in all academic and professional disciplines. So in order to brush up our knowledge of various types we need to undertake the services of various libraries. In this regard we feel prices of books have become so skyrocketing that is why role of libraries are so vital in order to satisfy human thirst for knowledge.
In South Asian nations, especially in India and Bangladesh we roles of libraries are very important. The reason behind is that due to sever economic constraints there are many in both India and Bangladesh who are unable to buy books that is why library acts as the most vital support in their mental and social development in life. Even general scenarios which we noticed in both the above stated nations is that hardcore book alcoholic are from middle and lower classes hence library extends valuable support in their mental and social development in life.In the modern age, libraries play an important part for social and mental development of human beings. This is relevant for citizens all around the globe. There are many one of us who are unable to buy books that is why libraries act as the spadework for mental and social development of human beings so that we are able to mix with the people of all sections of societies at ease. In the countries under European and American continents we that libraries are available galore but in comparison to the countries under European and American continents the numbers are less in numbers in South Asia. In today’s scenarios the role of a library cannot be denied at all. It acts as the catalytic agent in accelerating the pace of knowledge of modern human beings.
By glancing over different books we gather knowledge of diverse types with the objective to sharpen our mental faculties. Irrespective of the existence of libraries in both suburban and urban areas existence of libraries are always deeply relevant for human development. The more an individual is attuned to libraries then that particular individual’s mental and social grooming will rise to dizzy heights. As per the statistics available to us that prior to the year 2016 there are around 49 national libraries are available around European nations which cater to the vast numbers of readers covering diverse subjects of different academic disciplines. Whereas contrarily in American continents especially in United States of America it has been deciphered that there are approximately 1.17 libraries with numbers of memberships are closer to approximately within 60,000.Now coming to the South Asian part we find that in both India and Bangladesh numbers of libraries are increasing but not as compared to Europe and America. From the available records which I do have there in all over India around 10 major libraries though there are small scale libraries in different suburban belts of India. Apart from major Indian libraries there are major foreign libraries based in metro cities of India such as British Council Libraries.
United States Information Services, Maxmuller Bhavan Library, Alliance Françoise etc various other libraries of repute. Whereas total numbers of libraries available in Bangladesh is to the tune of around 150 to 200 libraries which is inclusive of public and private libraries. As compared to neighboring India there are various overseas libraries in the capital city Dhaka and some other cities of the country available. Anyhow there has been urging on the part of modern generation Bangladeshi who are very much prone to intensive reading habits. Thus in the subsequent paragraphs it is my humble task to throw deeply about the impact of libraries for social and mental development of human beings. Now what is required to be done by both India and Bangladesh that there should be mass library movement in order to accelerate social and mental development along with the spread of literacy cannot be ignored by the rational and civil societies of both the above stated nations. Importance of library: Library motivates our thirst for knowledge. Importances of library in today’s scenarios are innumerable of which some of the common ones are stated as follow: Children are mostly benefited by libraries as it helps them to expand their mental horizon and also social development in life.
Economic constraints are simplified more due to the existence of libraries. People from lower middle classes and also poor cum downtrodden sections of societies are the most beneficiaries of libraries. That is why it is always advisable to the modern generations that instead of leading lives freakishly if concentration is devoted more towards libraries then the kind of mental and social development taking place in our lives which could not have been imagined by our forefathers. Thus the impact of libraries is deeply impacted in our lives in order to accelerate our mental and social development. Also focus on health and happiness.. We’re developing a range of practical tools along the health and well-being theme, through the Reading Well Mood-boosting Books and Books on Prescription schemes. This means GPs will send patients to the library for health information and, for the first time, for creative reading experiences too. I want to end with a quote from a young person:” Reading is like going on a holiday without packing your bags. Better than any doctor’s medicine. “I think that beautifully shows how we need that bigger frame in which to think about the value of reading; one which embraces that wonderful word, happiness!