LGED playing vital role to face corona crisis in country

City Desk :
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED ) led by its Chief Engineer Md Matiar Rahman has been playing vital role to face coronavirus crisis in the country and people from all section of the society have praised the efforts of it.
LGED has already donated one day salary of all staff amounting to Tk 50 lakh to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund recently and distributed relief goods among the distressed people across the country.
This organisation is coordinating with the district and upazila administration with its 64 executive engineers and 492 upazila engineers. To continue the development works, the due bill of contractors and salary of master-roll employees have been paid . The LGED is also providing vehicles to the doctors to serve the corona patients
LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Md Tajul Islam MP and Chief Engineer Md Matiar Rahman have been supervising the overall activities.