LGED foot bridge occupied, sufferings of people mount at Bhangura

Bhangura (Pabna) Correspondent :
A foot bridge built by LGED was closed due to the occupation of the connecting road in the village of Naubaria in Bhangura upazila of Pabna.
 As a result, several thousands of people in some villages have been suffering. It is said that the bridge was constructed about fifteen years ago for the movement of the common people at the ferry ghat connection at Naubaria. The importance of this foot bridge has increased after the recent construction of a large bridge over the Naubaria Gumani river.
Because the distance of the Gumani Bridge is only 300 meters from the paved road behind the village of Naubaria,.The linkage of paved roads on the north side is running but the southern side of the road is now closed for two kilometers distance from Gumani River due to the occupation by dominant in north side road.
Abdul Kudus, Awami League leader of Chhoto Bisakol village, said the Local Government had built a bridge for the people. But we are not able to use the foot bridge at least inhabitants of ten villages now. His question is why did LGED not rescue the connecting road on the south side of the bridge? About this, Jahangir Hossain Upazila Engineer of LGED said, “One of our former accountants plans to stay in the head office and build this bridge for their own needs.” Their place is on the north side of the bridge. They have now closed the south side road. Because of this, the bridge of the left is unused now.
Locals have demanded the intervention of the higher authorities to use the foot bridge of the LGED suitable for public movement..