Let them seek publicity, but let them help generously


WHEN the poor people need cash and food support under the shutdown some wealthy people are misusing the occasion to demonstrate their charity otherwise. Some public leaders are using the plight of the poor to make their own fortune. They are giving less of the government given rice to the poor while using the picture in social media to add to their social value and political image. The most common scene is that the poor, mainly women and old people, now gather on the city roadsides at many places looking for sporadic arrival of a pickup van with packets of cooked food or rice and lentils for distribution.
Instantly more than hundred people gather at the spot but enthusiastic distributors hand down some packets to only a handful people and hastily depart. We don’t know who will provide food to all hungry people. It is no doubt the responsibility of the government. In many cases some big people were seen distributing food keep hanging their hands with the packet to catch public eyes in TV footage. Such charities look like more demonstration of the wealth and image of the person than serving the poor. There is no doubt, the donors are wealthy party men or owners of big business houses and such images would part of a political capital any time soon to be hanged on city walls or elsewhere.  
We must say rich and powerful are exploiting the helplessness of the poor at a time when the poor people need real sympathy and unhinged support.
