Let the spirit of independence imbibe our nation

THE nation celebrates the 48th Independence and National Day today. March 26 is observed as the Day of Declaration of Independence in 1971 although we achieved our real independence on the Victory Day on December 16 through a long liberation war defeating Pakistani occupation forces.

The military led Pakistani government was so ruthless to order the army to indiscriminately kill the unarmed people on that fateful night in the name of saving the unity of Pakistan. But it actually finished and divided the country right from that moment because never in history brutal repression had won the unity of any nation. The event unfolded so unpredicted that there was no preparation of people for armed resistance.

We remember President Gen. Yahya Khan failed on that occasion to convene the newly elected National Assembly into session exacerbating the political crisis. He stepped into the conspiracy of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who opposed to hand over power to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the leader of the majority in National Assembly.
It led to the separation inevitable and our people had no choice but to protect our national existence. The liberation war started immediately and we won it with the help of India. East Pakistan became independent Bangladesh through a nine-month bloody war. The international community lent all support to the democratic aspiration of our people. During this time people staying within the country lived in the horror of massacre of Pakistani army while many fled to India for brief shelter until the war is over. We are grateful India provided all humanitarian help to our people and military assistance to win the war defeating the Pakistani occupation forces.


Bangabandhu had prepared the Bengalee people for winning the Liberation War as Pakistani government was persistently defying call to resolve political differences peacefully. After March 26, Bangabandhu was held in captivity in West Pakistan but his call for freedom and resistance had inspired the nation to fight and win the war.

On this occasion, we not only mourn the deaths of our defenseless people in the night of March 26 and during the liberation war, we also express our resolve not to allow their supreme sacrifice to go in vain. We make fresh vow today to build a prosperous democratic nation which would be a land of peace, justice and freedom. This is also an occasion to question our conscience how faithful we are to the dream of our Martyrs when the poor in the country are becoming poorer and powerful people are looting banks and national resources to become a ultra rich ruling class. We must protect the nation from all such evil hands.
