Let President Biden be decisive about two-State solution


With a pledge to grant big aid package to rebuild war-torn Gaza, US President Joe Biden on Friday said a two-state solution was the only answer to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He is going wrong to be optimistic for a long ceasefire.

He has to show leadership and decide the statehood of Palestine issue in an urgent basis. By trying to prolong the cease-fire, the President will destroy his trust and leadership to solve the crisis. The statehood of Palestine is a decided issue and not a matter of concession.

President Biden should also learn that what a bloodthirsty villain Netanyahu is. He is the obstacle to peace in the Middle East because it is a multibillion-dollar business with taxpayers’ money of American people. Under the guise of defending the Jewish state he gets unlimited arms from the US.


One should not forget that Israel was a part of Palestine and now Israel treats Palestine as its colony. Netanyahu by showing the US power has been grabbing lands belonging to Palestine. The two-State solution means an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel.

In fact, Mr Netanyahu has been doing everything for a one-State solution. That means only Israel will exist. He is a Jewish Hitler. He loves war and killing Muslims. In its present policy, Israel is grabbing Palestinians’ lands, killing Muslims and humiliating them with American weapons.

But this policy will not guarantee Israel’s existence to be sure. He will start bigger war in the Middle East involving the big powers.
