Book Review: Let others also live

Some words on journalist Jamaluddin Jamal's books

Weekend Plus Desk :
Onnojibon, a book based on articles, written by prominent Journalist Jamaluddin Jamal, was published recently by Nayaprobaho Prokashoni. In this book the author reflected the plights of the oppressed, downtrodden, deprived & neglected people of the society. He focused on the livelihood of Dalit, snake-charmer, gypsy, third gender and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh from Myanmar and the dangerous consequences of child-marriage.
He appealed to the wealthy section of the society to extend their hands for the cause of neglected people like a Kin.
Author’s first book based on political articles titled Shoto Netar Shoto Kotha was published on February 1 in 2010, by Laboni Prokashoni. In this book he insisted on the propitious democratic politics from the very beginning to the last. He was critical of undemocratic practice, corruption and irregularities. He did not take any attempt to hurt any people or party. He only focused on the necessity of truthfulness, fairness and betterment. His second book Tabuo Dhakay Thaki, was published in the National Book Fair of February 2017, by Mela Prokashoni. In this book the author has elaborated the inhumane sufferings of Dhaka dwellers due to traffic-jam and water-logging. He tried to project the risky lives of Old Dhaka city dwellers, unhygienic atmosphere and quack physicians on footpath, sufferings of those who travel by Bus, increased number of beggars and pollution of The Buriganga River.
The writer appealed to the conscious people of the society to keep the city clean and livable.