Commentary: Let ACC go against few mega corruption of powerful ones

ANTI-CORRUPTION Commission (ACC) Chairman Iqbal Mahmood on Sunday conceded that the ACC has failed to prevent corruption in the country. The anti graft watchdog Chief made startling admission during a discussion program that took place in light of Bangladesh’s improved rank in the Corruption Perceptions Index-2017 of Transparency International at ACC Headquarters in Dhaka.

He also said the ACC fails to prevent corruption because the participation of the civilian population is not satisfactory. He also said that the ACC agrees with Transparency International Bangladesh’s (TIB) comment that the country’s improvement has been jittery at best.

On February 22, TIB Executive Director Dr Iftekharuzzaman disclosed the annual CPI which stated that Bangladesh had progressed by two positions and ranked 143rd out of 180 in ascending order on the list of the most corrupt countries in the World in 2017.

The country placed 17th on the descending list (TIB groups countries with the same corruption score together into one position) and its corruption score was 28 on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being highly corrupt and 100 being no corruption. In the past the ACC Chairman claimed that the conviction rate in the graft case filed by the ACC was over 70 percent. It has filed cases against Municipality Mayors, corrupt bank Directors, government employees and teachers of private and government schools. Why then would it need the help of the public now? Why can’t it file cases against the powerful few responsible for mega corruption to stop spreading of corruption everywhere.


We do not understand what he means when the Chairman of ACC seeks public cooperation for fighting corruption. That means he is not truly ready for going against big corruption. The ACC is not needed for punishing petty thieves. The criminal justice system is there for those.

Anti-Corruption Commission is not for eradication of corruption. That is the social responsibility of all citizens.
Anti-Corruption is for catching and punishing corruption giants. Again people are afraid to talk about who are plundering the country. And their corruption are open-secrets. Such mega corrupt ones are powerful and they cannot be touched. The ACC is there to prove it wrong.

Everybody tries to blame the people and the people are the worst victims.

We urge the Anti-Corruption Commission not to look for excuses. If you can go after the powerful ones for their high corruption being in high public places, do that. Please do not harass people who are fighting for survival.
