NCDs outbreak: Less intake of nutritious food responsible 51pc people die every year

Staff Reporter :
Health experts on Wednesday warned of outbreak of the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Bangladesh because of less intake of nutritious food like vegetables and fruits.
They suggested for more consumption of less processed and more diverse food, vegetables and fruits.
 “We need more indigenous vegetables to reduce dietary related risks, which are associated with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Bangladesh,” the experts said it while addressing a workshop titled ‘Development of Communication Materials on Non-Communicable Disease’ at Spectra Convention Centre at Gulshan in the capital on Wednesday.
Non-Communicable Disease Control, Director General of Health Services (DGHS) and Centre for Natural Resources Studies (CNRS) jointly organized the programme.
Prof. AHM Enayet Hussain, Additional Director General (planning and research), attended as the chief guest. Dr. Nur Mohammad, Line Director of Non-Communicable Disease Control, DGHS, M Anisul Islam, director of CNRS, Dr. Khaleda Islam, Professor, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka, Dr. Abdul Alim, Deputy Programme Manager of Non-Communicable Disease Control (NCDC) programme, among others, spoke on the occasion.
According to the data disclosed in the workshop, over 51 percent of people die due to NCDs and other chronic health conditions every year. The trend of NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, obesity and cancer is rising.

The experts were warned against taking fast and junk food regularly. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has identified ‘less intake of vegetables and fruits’ as one of the major risk factors for NCDs in Bangladesh’.
They stressed on raising awareness among people about diet-related risks of NCDs and the benefits of increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. It will contribute to reducing dietary-related risks associated with NCDs.
