Legal notice on Fahim’s death

It seeks judicial probe

Staff Reporter :
A Supreme Court lawyer on Sunday issued a legal notice for judicial investigation into the killing of Faizullah Fahim of Madaripur under police custody.
Fahim, 19, who was killed in a “shoot out” with law enforcers on June 18, was a suspected accused of hacking Ripan Chakraborty, a lecturer of Govt Nazimuddin University College.
Advocate SM Zulfiqure Ali issued the legal notice to Home Secretary, Inspector General of Police (IGP), Superintendent of Police of Madaripur and Officer in-Charge of Sadar Police Station in Madaripur to respond the notice by 15 days.
Why departmental actions would not be taken against them involved in the killing of the suspected accused, asked the notice.
“A writ petition will be filed if the respondents do not reply the notice,” said Zulfiqure.
According to the notice, Golam Faizullah Fahim was on a 10-day remand when police took him to Miarchar area under Madaripur Sadar upazila to arrest his cohorts around 7:00am.
The suspect murderer of the Hindu teacher was shot dead hours after a court sent him on police remand to facilitate interrogation in custody.
Like other incident, police claimed that miscreants sensing their presence opened fire. Police fired back, triggering a gunfight Fahim was killed. Killing of an accused under police custody is the contrary to the rule of law, said the lawyer.
It is the responsibilities of the law enforcers to assure safety of the accused person who was belong with the drive. Police cannot deny their responsibility of killing an accused under their custody, the lawyer added.
Local media reports Fahim had been handcuffed and bullet injury when he was brought to local hospital.
Question arises about the recent killing of the suspected militants under police custody without maintaining judicial process. He might have had a vital clue to the mystery over secret killings that have been roiling the country for the last couple of years.
Fahim was killed either to hide some truths or destroy proofs regarding the ongoing attacks and killings by suspected Islamists militants, mentioned in the notice.