Legal notice against excise duties


Court Correspondent :
A legal notice has been served on the government requesting cancellation of all excise duties on bank accounts within 72 hours.
Supreme Court lawyer Eunus Ali Akond sent the legal notice on Tuesday urging the government to take necessary steps for reviewing the Finance Acts of 2004 and 2010 under which the excise duties have been imposed on bank account holders.
The notice says that there was no such provision in the Excise and Salt Act, 1944 for imposing excise duty on the bank money of the depositors. But the respondents have illegally inserted the provisions of imposing excise duty on the bank accounts in the Finance Acts of 2004 and 2010.
Under the Excise and Salt Act, 1944, the government cannot amend this law except for framing rules, Advocate Eunus mentioned in his legal notice. Secretaries to the Cabinet Division, Parliament and Ministry of Finance and Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad have been made respondents to the legal notice.
Advocate Eunus told newsmen if the respondents do not cancel the excise duties on bank accounts and review the Finance Acts of 2004 and 2010 within the stipulated time, he will move a writ petition with the High Court Division seeking necessary orders.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith while presenting budget for fiscal 2017-2018 raised the excise duty from Tk 500 to Tk 800 on accounts, however, if the balance, exceeds Tk one lakh but remains less than Tk 10 lakh at any time during a year.
