‘Legal actions to be taken against transports violating guidelines’


Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader warned that the government would take legal actions against the public transports which are not following health guidelines and realising extra fares from the passengers amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
“Most of the transports are following the health guidelines but there are allegations that some are not following the health guideless and charging extra fares. Legal actions will be taken against the transports which are violating the government’s instructions,” he said.
He came up with the warning on Wednesday while talking to the officials of Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL) through videoconferencing from his official residence here.
Quader, also Awami League General Secretary, said the government is implementing a project to construct six metro rail routes to ease traffic congestion in Dhaka and its adjacent areas by 2030.
As a priority project of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he said, about 45 percent works of the metro rail route-6 has already been completed.
The road transport and bridges minister instructed the project officials to bring pace in the ongoing works of the project following the health guidelines.
Stressing the need for paying salaries and arrears of the workers of the metro rail project, he said the construction works of one train have already completed in Japan, while the works of building four more trains are underway.
Quader said the Sheikh Hasina-led government is working relentlessly to overcome the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
He urged all to build a ‘fort of consciousness’ against coronavirus at their homes and offices following the health guidelines and maintaining social distancing.
Blaming a political party without maintaining its name, the AL General Secretary said the party is trying to gain benefits capitalizing on the ongoing crisis.
DMTCL Managing Director MAN Siddique and its senior officials were present at the meeting at DMTCL’s Eskaton office here.
