Legal actions against rumour-monger to continue

BSS, Dhaka :
Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud reiterated that the government would continue taking legal actions against those spreading rumours.
“Spreading rumours, panic or propaganda is a criminal offence,” he said this on Tuesday while addressing the inaugural function of a 100-bed COVID-19 unit of USTC Bangabandhu Memorial Hospital in Chattogram through videoconferencing from his secretariat office here.
Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury Nowfel and Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin also spoke at the function through videoconferencing, a ministry press release said.
Speaking as the chief quest, Hasan said at the beginning of coronavirus pandemic, there was a crisis of ventilators across the world.
That is why priority was given to the relatively younger people in putting them in ventilator support in the European and American countries, he said.
The minister said people had staged demonstrations in front of White House and in different states of the USA demanding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
“There were mask crisis in Canada and Europe. But there was no such crisis in our country. Even, two days ago Nigeria collected medicines, PPE and other medical equipment from Bangladesh by sending a charter flight. We also sent such equipment to the Maldives,” he added.
Hasan, also the Awami League Joint General Secretary, said despite that, different rumours and propaganda over COVID-19 are being spread through social media.
As spreading rumours, panic or propaganda is a criminal offence, actions were taken against such cases, he said, adding the government will continue taking legal actions against the rumor spreaders.
About Chattogram’s coronavirus scenario, the AL Joint General Secretary said 100 beds have already been prepared at Chattogram Medical College and Hospital, while 100 beds at General Hospital, 100 beds at USTC Bangabandhu Memorial Hospital, 50 beds in Maa o Shishu Hospital and 50 beds at private hospitals.
He said Chittagong Field Hospital and CCC community centres are also getting ready for providing treatment to COVID-19 patients.
As precautionary measures, Hasan requested the CCC mayor to turn some community centres there into healthcare centres.
Expressing gratitude to the authorities of USTC Bangabandhu Memorial Hospital for introducing the COVID-19 unit, he recalled with due respect the founder of USTC, late national professor Nurul Islam.
Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury stressed the need for ensuring supply of medicines and medical equipment to the hospitals of Chattogram.
Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury Nowfel sought cooperation of journalists in preventing rumours in social media.