‘Legal action for mismanaging sewage waste of houses’


Staff Reporter :
Legal action will be taken against homeowners in case of their failure to construct septic tank to manage sewage waste properly.
“Sewage waste from houses of Gulshan-Baridhara used to mix with nearby lake water and polluted those seriously. This bad practice would not be allowed any more,”
Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Atiqul Islam said it while addressing a discussion meeting in a city hotel on Thursday.
International organization ‘Water Aid’ and non-government organization ‘Bhumiz’ jointly
organized the programme on the occasion of ‘Toilet day’ to be held on Friday.
The DNCC Mayor said, the homeowners must have to construct septic tanks within six months. “If any homeowner fails to fulfil this requirement in time, they must face legal action,” Atiqul Islam said.
“Houses sewage waste pollute the lake water. So it may not be tolerated any more.”The mayor said that they have keenness to have more public toilets in the city. But they have not enough lands to do so.
In this situation, he said that they have welcomed the public-private initiatives in this regard.The mayor alleged that dishonest housing businessmen have grabbed the wetlands of the capital city. He warned them to stop such illegal businesses.
Hashin Zahan, Chief of Water Aid, Bangladesh office said there are lots of organizations eager to construct public toilet in the capital city. He proposed a probable name of the association of the entrepreneurs as ‘Public Toilet Service Operators Network.”
Tanjeen Ferdous, Marketing Director of Uniliver Bangladesh said, there are only one toilet in the capital for per one lakh people, it is really a sad matter.
