Lebanon struck by power cut as major plants shut down


BBC Online :
Lebanon’s two main power plants were switched off on Friday, plunging much of the country into a near-total blackout.
The shutdown – caused by the two plants running out of fuel – worsens a crisis that has seen people receive just two hours of electricity a day.
A lack of foreign currency has made it hard to pay overseas energy suppliers.
Pharmacies have also gone on strike over medicine shortages caused by the failure to pay foreign importers. Ships loaded with gas oil had refused to offload the fuel before money was transferred to their owners’ accounts in dollars.
In the eastern city of Zahle, EDL asked residents to reduce their consumption to a minimum, saying the “power supply has been cut across Lebanese territories indefinitely”. As the BBC’s Sebastian Usher notes, swathes of the country are now facing water rationing as well. The pumping stations are powered by diesel, and lack the supplies they need to function. Lebanon has suffered a severe economic crisis over the past 18 months, and its currency – the Lebanese Pound – has collapsed to record lows.
