EU referendum: Leaving EU ‘big gamble’ for UK security

BBC Online :
The UK will be taking a “big gamble” with its security if it votes to leave the European Union, defence secretary Michael Fallon has claimed.
The “collective weight” of partnerships such as the EU made it easier to deal with global threats, he told the BBC. David Cameron will face MPs later as he presents his case for the UK remaining within the 28-member organisation.
But Mayor of London Boris Johnson has again insisted that the country has a “great future” outside the EU.
Mr Johnson’s declaration on Sunday that he backs EU exit is being seen as a significant blow to Mr Cameron’s campaign to remain in the EU. The prime minister will outline details to MPs in a Commons statement, starting at 15.30 GMT, of last week’s deal with EU leaders on reforms to the terms of the UK’s membership, which paved the way for him to call a referendum on EU membership on 23 June. He says the deal strengthens British sovereignty and the UK will be “safer and stronger” remaining in the EU.