Lease holder building permanent infrastructure on land


Staff Reporter, Mymensingh :
The authorities of Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College, a temporary leaseholder on the land of Mymensingh Zila Parishad, are demolishing the Zila Parishad building and constructing permanent infrastructure. According to the directive issued by the Local Government Department on 29/7/2001, the search is under the ownership of the Zila Parishad on nine temporary conditions and through annual renewal. Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College was leased on 0.35 acres of land with three tin shed houses on
 Kashi Kishore Staff Quarters under Mymensingh Sadar Upazila.
According to Zila Parishad Property Management Rules 2017, Rule 7 (1) (e), no permanent or permanent infrastructure can be built on the leased or rented property of Zila Parishad.
But on May 12, 2020, a visit to the college premises revealed that a tin shed house on leased land had been demolished and a permanent building was being constructed by the RCC Pillar Foundation, which was in complete violation of the lease agreement.
It is mentioned in the lease agreement if there is a need to reform leased property, the Zila Parishad will do it. A letter has been issued from the Zila Parishad to stop the work.
But they are building permanent / permanent infrastructure by violating the terms of the lease agreement in a despicable attempt to seize the property of the Zila Parishad at a fast pace in the recent Corona situation without stopping the construction work.
When approached, Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam, College authorities said, “DC, the president of our college, told him what to say.” The people demand that illegal construction work needs to be stopped.
