Learning foreign languages during sleep


Campus Desk :
Our consciousness is absolutely not going away in the sleep as well. We can learn a lot of things at that submerged stage.
However many has denied this argument of scientists. But the Swiss psychologist group claims, really it is possible to learn foreign languages in the sleep. A research report regarding this has been published in the Cerebral Cortex Journal.
Scientists of Swiss National Science Foundation are claiming that there is an opportunity to permanently lodge the newly learned foreign words in our brain if we hear those words during sleep.
Psychologist John Rush led the research. He was conducted a survey on 60 German students. They were asked to learn some completely new Dutch words at 10:00 pm of the night. Half of the students were asked to sleep. And then the newly learned words reproduced for them to hear. Left half of the students were asked to stay awake. They also hear the words.
The first group was awakening at 2:00 pm of the night. Then all the 60 students give a test on those Dutch words. Scientists are seeing, they were able to remember more who heard those words during sleep.
Thus, the researchers of Switzerland dragged the conclusion this way: “The newly acquired behaviors are playing in the brain for all night until the wake-up. And the learning process is done completely in an unconscious mind. This is how people learn new things in sleep”.
