Readers' Forum: Leading a simple life

Leading a simple life

Punishment or reward is inevitable after death. Bo one will die until he/she sees the terrible stature of the Recording Angels and knows his/her destination. The unfortunates only will think otherwise because of scarcity of knowledge.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) cleared it at least on two occasions. One day he told a group of Sahabies (companions) in the mosque that a woman was punished for death of a cat. When she was thrown into the hell-fire, the executing angels said: You deserve the punishment because you imprisoned a cat and neither gave it food and drinks, nor released it that it could earn its own livelihood. As a result, the cat starved to death.
The Prophet paused for a while and said: The punishment would continue till the Judgment Day. Abdullah-bin-Omar (RA) narrated this Hadith (Ref: Hadith No.1210, Banglai Bukhari Sharif compiled by Mohammad Abdul Karim).
On another occasion, the Prophet unto mankind said: One night Archangel Jibreel and another leading angel Mikhail sowed me in dream the nature of punishment being executed to a liar, one who did not lead his/her life according to the Quran despite knowledge, adulterer/adulteress, and whoso traded usury. Every punishment was of terrible nature and will continue till the Judgment Day (Hadith No.1353, Ibid).
On the Judgment Day, Allah will deliver final verdict. The punishment of some guilty may be reduced, and some one may be forgiven and granted Paradise.
So, we should be careful, try for ameliorating ethics and morality, and lead a simple and honest life. Islam, a religion from Allah, aims at economic emancipation and spiritual salvation.
Ameer Hamzah
