Holy Ramzan: Lead the middle course of life

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Fasting is significant as it promotes discipline in life. The routine practice of Sehri, Fasting, Iftar and Taraweeh and balanced diet produces a sense of discipline. Discipline combined with punctuality leads to successful life.
Islam calls for balanced life style. It is above all extremism. There is no place for either ‘monasticism’ or extreme ‘consumerism’ in Islam. Islam permits only the ‘middle course’ of life and living. Fasting, as ritual, permits the Rozadars to adhere to the ‘middle course’ and to be balanced in leading life. Islam is the religion of ‘Fitrat’-nature. It allows lawful enjoyment of life. Islamic injunction on fasting is also in conformity with the demand of nature.
The Holy Quran says : “O ye who believe ! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you ; but commit no excess : For Allah loveth not those given to excess.”
 “If anyone contends with /The Apostle even after/Guidance has been plainly/Conveyed to him, and follows/A path other than that/Becoming to men of Faith,/We shall leave him/In the path he has chosen,/And land him in Hell, –/What an evil refuge!” (Sura Nisa 4:115), Holy Quran : Translation and Commentary By A. Yusuf Ali.
“It is such as obey/God and His Apostle, /And fear God and do/Right, that will win/ (In the end). (Sura Noor 24:52, Do)
Rasulullah (SM) says : ” …. So whoever turns from my way, is not with me.”
The Holy Quran reveals : “It is not fitting /For a believer, man or woman, /When a matter has been decided/By God and His Apostle, /To have any option/About their decision:/If anyone disobeys God/And His Apostle, he is indeed/On a clearly wrong path.” (Sura Ahzaab 33:36, Do)
Allama Yusuf Ali comments : “We must not put our own wisdom in competition with God’s wisdom. God’s decree is often known to us by the logic of facts. We must accept it loyally, and do the best we can to help in our own way to carry it out. We must make our will consonant to the Universal Will.”
It is on record that the Prophet (SM) warned his companions saying, “I have not been directed by Allah to live in this manner. Your bodies certainly have rights over you; so observe fasting; but also abstain from fasting (this fasting is not the obligatory fasting of the month of Ramzan). Look at me. I pray at night; but I also sleep. I observe fasting; but I also abstain from fasting (not obligatory fasting). I eat meat; as well as fat. And I am also married. So whoever turns away from my way, is not with me”. The Prophet (SM) so warned when he heard that some of his companions were indulging in excesses even in their worship to please Allah.
So, none should indulge in monasticism in the name of Islam and should not ‘turn away from’ the disciplined ‘way’ of the greatest Messenger of Allah.
Fasting, if taken in right perspective, could contribute to disciplined, punctual and balanced life above all extremism or deviations. This is ‘middle course’ of life which is expected to gain salvation in the Hereafter.