LDCs must work together to mitigate climate risks


DESPITE having little contribution to global carbon emission, Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries due to adverse impact of global climate change. So responsible countries must provide financial and technical supports to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) including Bangladesh aiming at tackling its negative impacts. This was the experts’ view at a press conference at the Jatiya Press Club ahead of Climate Change. Conferfence in Mavrakesh next month. The New Nation reported on Saturday that climate experts have also called for strengthening the bargaining capacity of LDCs through acquiring knowledge on different aspects of climate change issues to avert its possible devastating impacts. They said LDCs must unite by developing strong leadership to exert pressure on industrialized nations to take action to stem the rising temperature.
Climate change is a global threat from continuous global warming due to excessive carbon and other harmful gas emission. There is no controversy about destructive effects of global warming. But industrialized countries in general and big corporate houses of those countries in particular are reluctant to do anything to reduce green house gas emission, because it goes against their lust for surplus profit. Now a consensus has been reached in Paris Summit to curb greenhouse gas emission within certain limit. But the process of its implementation is so slow and complicated that its positive out come will take too long to be visible. In the meantime destructive effect of climate change is no more limited only in LDCs and developing countries. Industrialized countries also have started to get its bitter test.
But Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries due to negative effect of climate change. Flood, drought, river bank erosion are destroying human habitat and these are only growing. Technical and financial resources are needed to counter these adverse situation. As industrialized countries are mainly responsible for this catastrophe, they should help LDCs in this regard. Developed countries have agreed to make fund available to LDCs and also Bangladesh to face climate change challenges. But they are very slow to transfer the fund as loans and grants. Bangladesh alone cannot face climate change issues as it is a global phenomenon. So we should move with strong bargaining capacity to bring pressure on rich nations to extend their financial and technical supports to climate vulnerable countries. It is a challenging task and LDCs must work together to overcome the challenge.
