LDCs have to ensure 2pc contribution in world trade by 2020: Tofail

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said the least developed countries (LDCs) have to ensure their two percent contribution in world trade by 2020 to keep on their economic progress, reports BSS.
The minister, who is now in Kenya’s capital Nairobi to attend the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14), passed the remarks while chaired the ministerial meeting of LDCs, said a ministry press release received here Saturday from Nairobi.
Referring to the decision of implementing sustainable development goals by 2030, he said UNCTAD, WTO and concerned organizations have to work jointly for the world trade as well as helping the LDCs in attaining sustainable goals.
Tofail urged the developed countries to move forward so the LDCs can keep running their economic progress.
As a spokesperson and coordinator of LDCs, Bangladesh Commerce Minister would deliver his speech at the ministerial meeting of G-77 for the betterment of LDCs.
Tofail who is leading a 15-member Bangladesh team reached in Nairobi on July 15.
In the ministerial meeting of LDCs, UNCTAD Secretary General Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, High Representative to UN for LDCs, RRDCs and SIDs Gyan Chandra Acharya, Bangladesh’s Permanent Representative to UN Shameem Ahsan and delegators from Uganda, Ethiopia and Bhutan also spoke on the occasion.