Lawyers protest transfer of Ctg Labour Court in judge’s residence


 A view of new Chittagong Court building.
The lawyers of Chittagong formed a human chain followed by press conference at court premises on Thursday protesting the transfer of Divisional Labour Court of Chittagong from present location to Judge’s residence building at Panchalaish in city.
Press conference was arranged a Bar Association hall The press meet was told that mass signature in connection will be collected from tomorrow. Mentionable, the Divisional labour court of Chittagong was working its activities in an abandoned house of Public Works Deptt in Panchalish area since long.
PWD has taken decision to construct a multistoried building over the present location of Labour court and hence the question of transfer of labour court arisen. Hence, court authority is mulling to transfer the court in the residence building of the Chairman(Judge) of the Labour court .
 The lawyers strongly protested the said transfer to a residence building instead of existing giant court building. Bangladesh Democratic Lawyers Association arranged the human chain and press meet.
The lawyers demanded divisional labour court should be transferred to court building .President of the lawyers association Swapan Krishna Biswas read out a written statement before the journalists, sources said.
