Lawyers hold human chain against hartal


Sammilito Ainjibi Samannya Parishad, the pro Awami League lawyers association, on Monday held human chain, meeting and procession at the Supreme Court premises condemning killing of innocent people in the name of hartal and blockade.
Law affairs secretary of Awami League and former law minister Abdul Matin Khoshru, MP, Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapash, MP, former secretary of Supreme Court Ainjibi Samity (Supreme Court Bar) Advocate Motazuddin Ahmed Mehedi led a procession, chanting different slogans against hartal and blockade, after the human chain and the rally.
Meanwhile, pro-BNP lawyers also brought out a procession led by vice-president of Supreme Court Bar Rafiqul Ahmed Mehedi and Advocate Abed Raja at the SC premises.
The pro BNP lawyers under the name of Supreme Court Bar went to different benches of the court requesting the judges to suspend regular activities of the court.
In protest of that lawyers of pro Awami League Sammilito Ainjibi Samannya Parishad showed their agitation in front of the office of Supreme Court Bar President.
Abdul Matin Khoshru told journalists that the decision of boycotting the court activities taken by the pro BNP-Jamaat lawyers in the name of Supreme Court is illegal. “No one has the right to deprive the justice seekers,” he said. The Awami League leader said the pro BNP-Jamaat lawyers committed contempt of court by taking such decision under the name of Supreme Court Bar.
“The attempt to implement the party decision of Khaleda Zia in the name of Supreme Court Bar is illegal, unconstitutional, unlawful and punishable offence,” he said.
